Six reasons to watch the movie, The Hundred-foot journey

“Eating is a multi-sensory experience, and certain combinations of flavors and aromas activate enzymes and stimulate specific parts of the brain, evoking pleasure and also recollections of pleasurable experiences. Like a certain scent will remind you of your first love” is an excerpt from the movie that sums up the movie’s essence.

MERLIN: Yay or Nay?

A pleasant fairy tale: Merlin is a feel-good NetFlix series that entertains without unnecessary bother to the brain cells. The story rolls out like a children’s bedtime story and is comforting like hot chocolate in winter. It is filled with wizards, dragons, palaces, grand parties for royals to attend in all their splendor, a prince…

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine: But was the book fine?

If it wasn’t chosen by my book club, I would have DNF’d it. This story is about Eleanor, who, according to the author, “scorns the conventions of polite society.’ Reasons to give it a try: Eleanor’s voice was frank, and her thoughts were succinct with a sprinkle of wit and humor. For example, “blond hair…

The Queen’s Gambit- a delectable drama

Various Netflix series trend for different reasons. But why did this one? Warning: Spoilers ahead The queen’s gambit is an opening move in the game of Chess. It is the forte of Beth, the protagonist’s final opponent. She ends up beating him at his own game. Hence the title. The opening scene: The first scene…


    My book rating: 3 stars. Dorothy Sayers was one of the first women to be awarded a degree by Oxford University. This sole fact made me pick up this book. The utmost respect I had for a woman, who lived a century ago, drove me to read it till the end. It is…

WATCHING YOU: LISA JEWELL- a book worth reading?

Warning: Spoilers ahead. My book rating: 3.5 stars This book is all about the frightful inhumanities that lurk beneath the so-called normal humans we encounter every day. This entire book pays homage to the art of observation. The setting and backgrounds have been described in much detail that the entire village of Melville is vividly…

The Will

Hemingway’s imitation: Hemingway had a narrative technique called the iceberg theory. This simple writing style reveals minimal detail on the surface, with deeper meaning hiding below.  Since there are more dialogues than actions in his stories, he doesn’t describe the mood of the scene and lets the audience guess who is speaking and their tone…

Mysterious or Mundane?

The sky struggles to stay blue,As the wisps of cloudsdraw ancient, mystic symbols,obscuring the celestial, blue canvas. The gray mountains in the distant horizonstand guard like ghostly sentriesseemingly defending another secret world. The cornfield spread out in disciplined rowssway to a cryptic musicof the wind-the forever musician. Farmers beyond buzz around,singing and dancing to the…


Monochrome was the intoxicating theme that night. The toe-tickling grains of sand Awash in the full moon’s glow, Stretched to infinity. . The milky orb’s kiss, Ruffled the serene sea, Arousing uncharacteristic, tumultuous tides -an unconvincing, weak protest. The distant palm trees, Danced with reckless abandon, In tune to the thunderous drums, Of the mighty,…


In a creative writing class I attended, the students were asked to pick an image randomly from a stack full of pictures of strangers. Our task was to imagine a story with that character as the protagonist. I received the portrait of an elderly woman. Something like this picture: My story: Violet looked at her…